Probably the most widely used microprocessor chip, the Intel 8080 is inexpensive,
fast, and easy to program. It shows every sign of becoming even more popular
as microcomputer systems are increasingly utilized. For the 8080 user
who has a knowledge of digital elements and operations, this book will
be invaluable, as it explains the fundamental tasks of microcomputer interfacing
and the associated microcomputer I/O programming for 8080-based microcomputers.
Chapter 1 deals with the basic concept of the microcomputer. The second
chapter describes a small 8080-based microcomputer, while Chapter 3 is
an introduction to microcomputer programming. The fourth chapter covers
device select pulse generation, and Chapter 5 shows how to count the number
of clock cycles for the execution of microcomputer program segments. The
subject of the sixth chapter is the internal operation of the 8080 chip.
Chapter 7 is devoted to microcomputer input/output, and the final chapter
deals with subroutines, interrupts, external flags, and stacks. References
and 8080 and 8080A instruction set summaries are given in the appendixes. |