ISBN: 0-672-21545-3
Authors: Howard M. Berlin
Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.
4300 West 62nd St.
Indianapolis, IN 46268
Copyright: 1978
The principle of the phase-locked loop has been known since the early 1930's
and was first used in the 1940s for the synchronization of the horizontal
and vertical sweep oscillators in television receivers. Because of prohibitive
cost, however, widespread use of the principle did not begin until the
development of the monolithic integrated circuit and the incorporation
of complete phase-locked loop circuits in low-cost IC packages. This book
is an excellent introduction to the theory, design, and implementation
of phase-locked loop circuits using various TTL and CMOS devices. The book
opens with an introduction to the phase-locked loop principle and a brief
history of its development. Succeeding chapters then discuss the basic
building block of the phase-locked loop-the phase detector, voltage-controlled
oscillator, and loop filter. The final two chapters cover frequency synthesizers,
am and fm demodulators, fsk decoders, and several other useful applications.
In addition, there are many experiments provided throughout the book that
demonstrate the various concepts presented in the text. Appendixes are
included at the back of the of book which include mathematical derivations,
manufacturers' data sheets, and descriptions of various breadboarding aids
that will assist the reader in performing the experiments. This book is
highly recommended to anyone interested in or involved with modern electronics,
particularly those desiring to learn more about practical applications
of the phase-locked loop. |
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